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Saxophone Detail

what we do


We offer 6 day trials on a purchase and return basis on all items over $100.00.

Terms vary based on the product, so please check the terms for the item you're interested in before buying. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you're feeling unsure and have questions for us.




We love to organizing showings with dealers, universities, schools, and others. Please contact us if you would like to organize a showing.

We will do our best to make it possible.

We also attend trade shows and other events to present our brands.


We specialize in professional instrument setups and repairs, as well as historic overhauls. We pride ourselves in almost half a century of combined experience, intense attention to detail, a deep understanding of the history and manufacturing process of the instruments, fast turn-around times, and  individualized service.


Our manufacturers, artists of our brands, instructors we work with, and stores we partner with are part of the family. We like to support them in any way we can.

We love collaborating and appreciate all the work they do in helping us spread the word.


We are the contact for warranty cases for all of the products we distribute. No need to deal with oversea manufacturers.

Our workshop takes care of warranty repairs in our US facilities and if exchanges are necessary, we'll handle all the international shipping for you. No hassle with import/export, regulations, customs, etc...


Worried about shipping your instrument to our workshop?

Don't hesitate to contact us. We ship out instruments almost every day and we're happy to share our experience to help you get your instrument to us safely!

If you would like advice, don't hesitate to reach out to us!


Is there something we can do for you? Don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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