Beltheld sax straps
Made in the USA from high quality materials, this adjustable Sax Strap hooks onto your belt to keep all weight off of your neck.

Get your BeltHeld Sax Strap to
Give your neck a break
BeltHeld Sax Straps are compact straps that take the weight off of your neck when you play. With their unique adjustment mechanism, they are sturdy and easy to adjust.

Loop style
This BeltHeld Sax Strap loops around your belt to give you all of the support of a harness without any of the bulk! Length adjustable to fit different heights and instruments.

Clip on style
No belt? No problem!The clip on BeltHeld uses ultra strong suspender clips to attach directly to your waistband when you're not wearing a belt. Length adjustable to fit different heights and instruments.


The patented ring-based adjustment mechanism is designed to allow for quick, one handed adjustment to make switching between instruments fast and effortless.
In order to adjust the length of your new sax strap you simply tilt the ring slightly so that the string is in the straight position.
You can then easily move the lower ring up and down to adjust the length of the strap.
Once you release the ring, the position is secured and no slipping can occur.

The sturdy stainless steel hook has a scissor mechanism to make sure your instrument is and stays secure.

The strap is adjustable to fit different heights with ease.
The sturdy snaps and clips ensure a secure and comfortable fit.

The BeltHeld Strap gives you all the support of a harness strap without any of the bulk. Roll it up, throw it in your case, and you're ready to go.